I don't know anyone around here so I was wondering if anyone is interested in talking at least for a while :3
🇨🇷 | Jobless | 24 Years Old | ENG/ESP | Otaku | Amateur Fanduber | Traditional Cartoonist | Multi-Fandom | VOCALOID/Synth V User | Triying my best :'3
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Joined on 3/21/21
Posted by Kosova404DLen - February 10th, 2023
I don't know anyone around here so I was wondering if anyone is interested in talking at least for a while :3
from my experience newgrounds hosts the friendliest people in the entire internet! you literally start a DM with anyone no matter how big or small they are and theyll treat you like an old friend from work or school, its amazing let me tell you!