🇨🇷 | Jobless | 24 Years Old | ENG/ESP | Otaku | Amateur Fanduber | Traditional Cartoonist | Multi-Fandom | VOCALOID/Synth V User | Triying my best :'3
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Joined on 3/21/21
Lt-Abdelhak Feb 10, 2023
from my experience newgrounds hosts the friendliest people in the entire internet! you literally start a DM with anyone no matter how big or small they are and theyll treat you like an old friend from work or school, its amazing let me tell you!
AlexanderZ640 Feb 10, 2023
You can chat with me anytime bro !!
wamyremy Feb 11, 2023
feel free to shoot a PM to me!! :}
from my experience newgrounds hosts the friendliest people in the entire internet! you literally start a DM with anyone no matter how big or small they are and theyll treat you like an old friend from work or school, its amazing let me tell you!